“Dedicated Server Hosting” means that you are the owner of your own server as well as all of the resources you have. There’s no competition to share bandwidth and you are not worrying about sharing your server with spammers. You’re completely free to modify the settings. Of course the flexibility and power will cost you some money.
But, not really. If you’re a Pro User or are thinking about managing your server yourself then you’ll discover the ideal Cheap Dedicated Server on HostPoco. HostPoco’s unmanaged, low-cost dedicated servers start from $80 per month, and our clients have full control over their servers.
Our Cheap Dedicated Servers includes the following characteristics:
- Complete Root Access
- 24×7 Rescue System
- Premium Bandwidth
- Unmanaged Server
- RDNS Availability
- Free 5 IP’s
- No Contracts
- US DC location
- On-Demand IPMI
- Recurring off on renewals
- Easy Cancelations
Buy Now: https://www.hostpoco.com/low-cost-dedicated-server.php
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