is a premium hosting provider that provides web hosting solutions of all types. We make sure your website is fast, secure and always up, so that you stay focused on what you do best. We offer Best VPS Hosting that you need to build, host and manage a website. Our top priority is to provide the best website hosting experience to our clients at an affordable cost. No contracts or hidden fees. We even offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
Our Powerful Openz VPS plans offer the functionality and reliability of a dedicated server with upto 4096 MB Memory
and upto 120 GB Raid 10 Storage.
Best VPS Hosting Features:
- 4096 MB Memory
- VPS Type OpenVZ
- 120 GB Raid 10 Storage
- 4 TB Monthly Traffic
- 1 IPv4 included (all ports open)
- cPanel/whm License $14 /month
- DirectAdmin license $8 /month
- Additional IP address $2.50 /month/IP
- Free Setup
- 99 % Uptime Guarantee
- 24/7 Live Support
- Root / SSH Access
For more info about Best VPS Hosting plan:
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