Shared hosting over the decades has emerged to become the first choice in web hosting solutions. For many website clients, shared hosting offers are available in different types. Means started to plan for beginners and pro plan for experts. However, web hosting services may reach certain limitations and demand for the service upgrade. Site owners might now look for some advanced hosting solution and can upgrade to VPS hosting or cloud hosting.
When owner suppose to Upgrade?
So, as a website owner, when should someone upgrade his existing web hosting service? The following points can come in handy for deciding the right type of web hosting for your needs-
1. Website Starts Gaining Immense Popularity/Traffic
The final goal for any website owner is to gain immense popularity/huge traffic volume coming for his website. Website visitors are the driving force for generating revenue for business websites. And this revenue plays a great role in making them survive the competitive world. It can help to make some earnings. The website’s growing popularity is indeed a positive indication of the site’s progress and SEO; however, site owners must also closely monitor their performance during peak hours.
Every time there is a visitor on the site. He/she ‘interacts’ with the available features on the web site. And this demands a task that the web hosting server needs to perform on the world wide web. In the case of huge traffic numbers, the web hosting servers might become a bit slow to respond, because they eat all resources. And this is a clear sign for upgrading hosting services and applicable for the free hosting clients too.
Hosting servers getting slower may result in slower website loading times. Along with the performance of sites as shared hosting providers have limits and can affect site performance if have huge traffic. Slower websites can cause a bad impression to the site visitors, and they might just ‘bounce’ off the site, resulting directly in sales losses and bad SEO of the site. Such issues usually take place on shared hosting services, where the servers and other resources get shared amongst all users hosted on the server. Other site’s performance can directly impact the performance of a site on the server and vise versa.
2. Website is low for hosting plan Disk Space
Usually, websites don’t need too much web space as shared hosting plans provide enough or needful storage already. These hosting plans include various elements such as themes, plugins, builders, tools, and hosted content. Despite all these, some websites need to upgrade themselves to expand the existing storage volume as this happens with famous hosting providers as they offer low space for budget plans. Then such sites demand additional storage due to various reasons, which could include adding large data volumes through blogs, publishing huge user content through forums, etc so can demand an upgrade.
In short, if the user gets an intimation from his web hosting that he is approaching the threshold or reached to set limits, then the time has come when he/she should go for an upgrade. With low or no disk space, the site’s performance can take a toll leading to stagnated website growth and can affect SEO too.
3. Continuous downtime of the website
The client who has his website wants his site to remain online at all times. Websites that are available online at all times help in building reliability, search results, and organizations don’t lose their businesses and help to boost traffic. Today, most web hosting providers committed to the maximum uptime also 99.9%. Also, a very small portion of downtime is intended only for regular updates and maintenance tasks but some hosting providers are still running with outdated or low capacity servers and such servers always have performance issues and the website owner must compulsorily upgrade his web hosting services if there are regular downtimes.
4. Limit of the number of sites / hosting additional sites
Only a small portion of website owners wish to host multiple sites on their existing plans, one site should be the main domain linked with the control panel and other sites should be addon domains. Usually, most of the shared hosting packages have a fixed cap of the number of websites hosted. One of the major reasons an upgrade in web hosting is needed is to cater to additional resources such as- CPU, RAM, Inodes, Space, and bandwidth. With the pre-designed or pre-selected web hosting plans, site owners are forcefully restricted with the number of websites hosted and can upgrade can be demanded.
Go for alternatives / Switch to alternate
Website owners can switch to the larger shared hosting plans that allow the flexibility to host multiple sites with increased resource utilization. Also, there are other web hosting options such as – VPS, WordPress, SEO, AWS available today. To cater to the greater needs, site owners can even go for Dedicated Servers/ Hybrid servers or Cloud hosting that offers 100% uptime, scalability, and cost-effectiveness at reasonable pricing.
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