Reseller hosting is a form of advanced web hosting wherein the account owner has the ability to use his or her allotted hard drive space and bandwidth to host websites on behalf of third party clients. The reseller purchases the host’s services wholesale and then sells them to customers through their website or directly, possibly for a profit or commision. SSD Reseller Hosting is one of famous type nowdays which resellers sign up for.
Reseller hosting comes in two main types based on operating system. Windows Reseller hosting and Linux Reseller hosting are the names of main reseller hosting types. But, 80 peoples out of 100 goes for Linux reseller hosting instead of windows. Linux reseller hosting is easy to manage and most demainding too.
Linux Reseller Hosting is having two sub categories On the basis of storage types. Lets learn about storage types.
Understand the difference between HDD Storage Vs SSD Storage:
The main difference between an SSD vs a hard drive is in how data is stored and accessed. A hard disk drive (HDD) is a traditional storage device from years that uses mechanical platters and a moving read/write head to access data. A solid-state drive (SSD) is a newer, faster type of device that stores data on instantly accessible memory chips. Hence, ssd storage is important to choose high server performance.
HDD Reseller Hosting
The above name will give you an idea about this service type. It based on the old hard disk drives and the provider can offer more space compared with SSD reseller because it comparatively cheaper option than the SSD drives.
HDD drives are hardware devices used of machine or server for storing data and magnetizing. These hard drives were invented many years ago and they are the most commonly used devices for storing data these days. .
SSD Reseller Hosting
If your business-oriented website requires more than three to four seconds to load the page, then it is slow in the technical language and you stand a risk of losing your customers. Therefore, it is important to choose high server performance for our websites. When your server has strong hardware, your sites can load quickly and speed is one of the most important factors in the competitive world! Along with choosing an efficient web hosting server that is backed by high-performance hardware, it is also important to select the right SSD reseller web hosting company that ensures 24/7 technical support, higher resources.
SSD drives are part of the new media technology used to store data on a high-performance block drive. The SSD Reseller Hosting allows you to store valuable data with high security. Also with an SSD drive, you can increase the speed of your hardware 20x more than a regular HDD drive.
Technical Overview :
HDD Storage Drives
HDD drives are hardware devices for Data storage and magnetization. These storage drives were invented many years ago and are currently the most widely used data storage devices.
- HDD drives are the cheapest data storage devices in the market.
- They provide up to 12 TB per storage drive support
- They are best suited for server storage and backup
- HDDs have a larger storage base capacity
- Compared with SAS and SSD, HDD storage disks are slower
- HDD drives have a high rate of failure
SSD Drives
SSD drives are comparatively 20x times faster than regular hdd drives. SSD drives form part of the latest media for data storage on high-performance block drives of the next generation. 5-6 years ago SSD drives become more popular. SSD is both a high-pressure and continuous user-grade SSD and company devices used in data centers. Below are the main benefits and disadvantages of SSD based reseller hosting:
- SSD Drives provides high performance in reading and writing
- Multiple reading, writing tasks are managed within seconds
- The IO (Input/Output) bottleneck removes the server owner by using 100% CPU capacity
- They are more reliable than HDD drives and reliable
SSD drives are having more prices compared with the HDD drives
The speed offered with SSD-based hosting is the first reason behind choosing SSD storage. As mentioned earlier, SSD drives are 20 times faster than regular HDD drives.
The Huge difference: Latency and Random Writing
The key feature of ssd drives is to offer faster speed for content. This results in your website loading more quickly as MySQL queries are executed more quickly, so latency issues are getting addressed. Continous and Random writing is the another important factor to consider for ssd drives. Random writes are relatively weak on the HDD server. SSD drive server is capable of randomly writing 30-40 times more in a second. .
How storage drives affects the performance of your reseller hosting?
Quick drives plays important role in server performance due to quick writing. The speed on the server is much lower if the posts are too many and you use an HDD drive than if you use an SSD drive. Why is it? Why? This is because the server waits for current writing requests to be finalized before the new requests are sent; and since the HDD drive is slow, this limit is reached quickly.
Limitations of Resources
It is important to note that you can not host lots of busy websites with the use of a reseller hosting account on an SSD server. This is because the assigned CPU limits of your websites are exhausted. SSD Servers or Cloud servers are best if you busy websites with high traffic of users.
Important To Go Best and Preferable Choice For SSD Reseller Hosting
- SSD Servers can also get overloaded or get out of resources. The web hosting provider has to be chosen continuously to take care of the below things :
- Manage servers on the daily basis with the help of monitoring alerts
- Avoid overselling from the servers
- Manage server resources with the help of cloudlinux for equal distribution
- Keep the scripts and contents up to date
- Make sure to go with the while label hosting provider.
Above are the factors which user needs to consider before choosing Linux reseller hosting provider for your needs. Because hackers can get access to the server if above some features are not taken care of. Along with the choosing right SSD Reseller Hosting, it is important to opt for a good provider on the basis of the review, pricing, support quality.